I told him I wrote a letter to the Ellen Show, and that no, they haven't gotten back to me. As I began to reveal my ideas to the reporter, I feared that the movement had reached a stand still. I guess I thought getting our story on national television would happen over night! But, if there is one thing Ellen Toy's coaching has taught me, (and believe me, there are plenty) it is to never ever give up.
I haven't called it quits, I promise. I'm not going to rest until the woman who has inspired me is sitting next to another Ellen spreading her words of hope to millions.
I have a dream, and I know you all hear me. But, I can't do this alone. After all, the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Let's get loud again. Fill twitter's feed with #EllenOnEllen and write to Ms. Degenerous herself. Share this blog with family and friends, and post pictures in those t-shirts. Read the newspaper and know our story. Be a part of something special. Help the world find out why we need to see Ellen On Ellen.